- APATEQ Abgaswaschwasserbehandlung (Scrub Water Treatment)
- atmosfair klimabewusst reisen - Kreuzfahrt Emission kompensieren
- bound4blue autonome starre Segelsysteme für Schiffe
- Carbon Connect (CH) Lösungen für kleinere CO2-Fußabdruck, klimapositive Welt
- CDC Center for Diseas Control and Prevention: Vessel Sanitation Program
- CCMALR Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
- Clean Shipping Coalition (CSC) Clean Shipping Coalition (CSC) is the only global international environmental organisation that focuses exclusively on shipping issues.
- DNV LNG as ship Fuel - current and future use of LNG as fuel in shipping
- e-4-SHIPS Brennstoffzellen im maritimen Einsatz. Die Emissionen von Seeschiffen vor allem in Häfen müssen künftig erheblich reduziert werden
- Eco Marine Power (JP) InnovatieTechnologies & Solutions for Sustainable Shipping
- eco Ship (JP) Peace Boat Ecoship Project - Vision for a global culture of peace and sustainability
- ECSA European Community Shipowner's Associations
- Enviromental Ship Index ESI (NL)The index is intended to be used by ports to reward ships when they participate in the ESI and will promote clean ships
- FAIR Unterwegs Arbeitskreis Tourismus und Entwicklung
- FCH Fuel Cells and Hdrogen EU Projects Transport and Energy
- Forum anders reisen
- Friends of the Earth Cruise Ship Report Card lets vacationers decide which cruise to take based on cruise line’s environmental and human health impacts
- GAINN4SHIP Innovation LNG Technologies and Innovation for Maritime Transport
- GoodFuels (NL) biofuels offer a combination of SOx, NOx and CO2 emission reductions
- Green Awards (NL) Zertifizierung und Incentive Programm für saubere Schifffahrt
- Green4Sea Green4SEA aiming to promote Safer, Smarter & Greener Shipping
- Green Marine (USA) Green Marine ist ein freiwilliges Umweltzertifizierungsprogramm für den nordamerikanischen Marineindustrie
- Greenpeace
- Green Cruise Port (EU) Green Cruise Port is a project in Interreg Baltic Sea Region
- GreenPort balancing enviromental challanges with economic demands
- Green Shipping Niedersachsen Kompetentzentrum für umweltfreundlicher Schifffahrt
- HFO-FREE ARCTIC Getting Heavy Fluel Oil (HFO) out of the Arctic
- IACC Sea (UK) International Association for catalytic control of Ship emissions to Air - to facilitate the transition to low emission shipping
- ICC Commercial Crime Services (UK) Commercial Crime Services: At the Forefront of the Fight Against Fraud ICC Commercial Crime Services (CCS) is the anti-crime arm of the International Chamber of Commerce.
- IMO International Maritime Organization UNO Organisation verantwortlich für die Sicherheit auf See, sowie Verhütung von Umweltverschmutzung
- LSN World News The industry's LNG news Terminal
- LNG World Shipping the only magazine focused specifically on the LNG carrier fleet
- MARITIME LNG PLATTFORM e. V. LNG die Umweltfreundliche alternativer Brennstoff für Schiffe
- MariGreen (NL/DE) Maritime Innovations in Green Technologies
- myclimate Zukunft gestalten -Berechnen und kompensieren sie Ihre Emissionen
- NABU Der NABU setzt sich seit mehr als hundert Jahren für die Rettung unser Natur ein. Hier finden Sie Informationen zu allen wichtigen Natur- und Umweltthemen.
- NGV Global News News for the Natural Gas for Traportation Industry
- Norsepower Your Provider of auxiliary Wind Propulsion
- Ocean Conservancy (US) to protect the Oceans from greatest Global Challenges
- Ökologischer Tourismus in Europa e.V. – ÖTE
- Onshore Power Supply established by the Wrold Ports Climate Initiative (WPCI)
- RightShip RightShip has helped to significantly improve global maritime safety standards.
- Shipping can deliver (US) researchers from the US and Finland conducted an analysis of the health impacts associated with global shipping and the possible delay of the global fuel sulfur standard by the International Maritime Organization. This site provides additional information on these impacts by country.
- Sustainable Shipping Initiative (UK) The Sustainable Shipping Initiative (SSI) is an ambitious coalition of shipping leaders from around the world that is taking practical steps to tackle some of the sector’s greatest opportunities and challenges. The group is working to achieve a vision of an industry in which sustainability equals success.
- Transport and Environment (BE) European Federation for Transport and Environment AISBL
- IWSA International Windship Association (UK) IWSA promotes wind propulsion for commercial shipping worldwide
- Umwelt Bundesamt (D) Freiwillige CO2-Kompensation
- WPSP World Ports Sustainability program